My Bag (0)

After a year of global upheaval, one question is on all our minds: What lies beyond the horizon? We know we need a new future, but what does it hold? What exists on the other side of disaster capitalism and colonization? What wisdom awaits beyond binary thinking and Western views of time and space? What does the cosmos contain beyond life on our planet? For Volume 06: Beyond we are imagining a world free from the constructs that have confined our planet and its people for too long. As adrienne maree brown writes, "Science fiction is simply a way to practice the future together. I suspect that is what many of you are up to, practicing futures together, practicing justice together, living into new stories. It is our right and responsibility to create a new world."

Atmos Volume 06: Beyond features contributions from
adrienne maree brown, Grimes, Richard Powers, Michael Hauptman, Rachel Cargle, Kendra Pierre-Louis, Bill McKibben, Ruth Hopkins, Zoë Ghertner, Miranda Barnes, Lea Colombo, Nnedi Okorafor, Philip-Daniel Ducasse, Bryan Huynh, Théo de Gueltzl, Camila Falquez, Coco Khan, Ada M. Patterson, Mr. Wash, and more.

Cover by Michael Hauptman
8.875" x 12.25"
312 pages plus insert


Volume 06 Cover 01
